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MFL - French

‘The limits of language  are the limits  of my universe
Lugwig Wittgenstein 

The curriculum provides an appropriate balance of spoken and written language and lays the foundations for further foreign language teaching at key stage 3.  It enables pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focused on familiar and routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary. 

Our French scheme of learning aims to instil a love of language learning and an awareness of other cultures. We want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in French for practical purposes, using both written and spoken French. Through the scheme, we aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to learning further languages, developing a strong understanding of the English language, facilitating future study and opening opportunities to study and work in other countries in the future.

This learning pathway demonstrates the French curriculum as it progresses throughout KS2.