Nurture UK
At Berrow, we believe in improving the life chances of our children by adopting a whole-school nurture approach. We recognise that nurture is integral to improving children’s social, emotional and mental health, unlocking potential and preparing children for their future.
Research clearly demonstrates the impact that nurture can have on attainment as well as the social and emotional competences of children. At the heart of Nurture is a focus on wellbeing, relationships and a drive to support the growth and development of young people.
We believe in ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’
Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) places children’s wellbeing at the centre of all teaching and learning. It recognises that young people will have different experiences in their lives and have the right to expect appropriate support from adults to allow them to grow and develop and reach their full potential.
A key aspect of a nurturing approach is an understanding of attachment theory and how early experiences can have a significant impact on development. It recognises that all staff have a role to play in establishing the positive relationships that are required to promote healthy social and emotional development and that these relationships should be reliable, predictable and consistent where possible.
For us at Berrow, we may use a Boxall assessment for our children. This is a tool that allows professionals working with children and young people to assess and identify their levels of social skills, emotional skills or behavioural difficulties and support them as necessary with the most appropriate interventions. This is usually completed by the adult in school who knows them best. After an assessment is completed, the next steps will be considered and discussions will be had in regards to what is best for the individual.
For details on this please speak to the SENCO or Pastoral & Academic Mentor.
Nurture Groups
Nurture groups offer a short-term, focused intervention which addresses barriers to learning arising from social, emotional or behavioural difficulties, in an inclusive, supportive manner. Children and young people continue to remain part of their own class group. The nurture group works alongside the whole school’s nurturing approach. Nurture groups will be recommended as an outcome to a pastoral referral form and will be carried out by the ELSA. There will be a specified timeframe and desired outcome pre-planned at the start of the programme. Children with similar needs may be grouped together, whilst others may have individual sessions.